Our values
Not only driving value – but also value-driven
We develop our investments together with their respective management teams and our network of experts. Throughout the entire partnership, values and ethics are a top priority for us. It is only by acting responsibly and with integrity that we can drive sustainable value for all stakeholders: employees, management, customers, suppliers, communities and owners.
The following principles are important to us and guide us every day
We consider honesty, credibility and a high level of transparency the prerequisite for a long-term and trusting partnership as well as mutual success.
Our value-based investment approach requires shared appreciation. We respect all employees, the corporate culture and each company’s history as well as individual situation because we believe they are critical success factors. In the end, all success stories are written by people, with their diverse backgrounds.
Sustainability / Responsibility
Acting sustainably and responsibly towards clients, suppliers, employees, communities and our environment are not empty words for us. We have understood that we are only borrowing our resources and that we owe it to future generations to take good care of them.
Following the UN Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), Silver Investment Partners commits to a sustainable investment approach. We respect ESG standards in all our investment decisions and implement them in our portfolio companies.
Our focus is on the following areas:
Environment: Prevention of pollution, reduction of raw material consumption, responsible waste management
Social aspects: Fair working conditions, a healthy and safe working environment, exclusion of child labor, anti-discrimination
Good corporate governance: risk management, controlling, anti-corruption, compliance with ethical standards, support of business integrity