COHEMI Group GmbH (COHEMI) is a consulting group with a focus on IT, process and organizational consulting that acts as the “umbrella” for leading consulting providers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. It was founded by Silver Investment Partners and, by combining specialized boutique consultancies, aims to significantly increase the range of consulting services for customers – in terms of both the areas of expertise covered and the size and complexity of the consulting projects that can be performed.

COHEMI’s consulting portfolio currently covers IT governance, IT project management, (IT) service management, change management, asset strategy & performance management, data management as well as software asset and license management. The target customers of the newly formed consulting group are medium-sized companies and corporations with a need for professional project implementation throughout the DACH region. In addition, potential cus-tomers include companies with a need for process and organizational optimization, particularly in the chemical, pharmaceutical, life sciences, packaging, IT service, retail, energy supply, public administration and raw materials sectors.

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Following its foundation in April 2023, COHEMI acquired a majority stake in SIRIUS Consulting & Training GmbH (SIRIUS), an IT and process consultancy based in Frankfurt am Main (headquarters) and Friedrichshafen, in May 2023. SIRIUS was founded in 1996, employs over 50 consultants and specializes in (IT) service management, asset strategy & performance management, IT project management and data management.

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Shortly afterwards, COHEMI acquired Acuroc Solutions GmbH (Acuroc), a consulting firm based in Idstein with around 50 consultants working on various projects. Acuroc was founded in 1989 and its consulting services focus on all aspects of IT governance as well as the successful, pragmatic implementation of digital transformation and the change in the world of work and corporate culture towards the so-called “new normal”.

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In March 2024, COHEMI acquired IQ Solutions GmbH (IQ), based in Munich. IQ was founded in 1989 and specializes in software asset and license management. The company has over 25 years of experience in its areas of expertise and employs more than 20 people.

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The COHEMI Group is aiming to continuously expand its business with growth rates well above the market average and is pursuing a buy-and-build strategy to this end. The inclusion of further consulting companies in the group is planned. The focus is on commercially suc-cessful consulting companies that complement the existing group portfolio in a meaningful way.

“We are particularly strong when it comes to combining technical expertise and implementa-tion skills. We provide individual advice, develop tailor-made solutions in dialog with our cus-tomers and are experienced in change management. After all, a very good solution is useless if it is not accepted by the user.” – Michael Kern, Managing Director COHEMI.

“With our model, we combine the best of both worlds: The flexibility of an entrepreneur-led consulting company – and the synergies and economies of scale of a powerful group in the background. We will only centralize those functions and processes where it really offers add-ed value. We see the group functions primarily as a service for our consultants. They are close to the clients, understand their needs and can continue to act independently and entre-preneurially.”– Chris Kohlsdorf, Managing Director COHEMI

SectorIT Consulting
LocationsFrankfurt am Main (SIRIUS)
Friedrichshafen (SIRIUS)
Idstein (Acuroc)
München (IQ)
EntryMay 2023 (SIRIUS)
May 2023 (Acuroc)
March 2024 (IQ)